Articles of interest

Luz Roja y Salud: El poder de la iluminación natural para el bienestar

Red Light and Health: The power of natural ligh...

Light is the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation that our eyes detect. At one extreme is blue light, with a short wavelength. It is the one we have in almost all...

Red Light and Health: The power of natural ligh...

Light is the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation that our eyes detect. At one extreme is blue light, with a short wavelength. It is the one we have in almost all...

Electronite: ¿Placebo o realidad? ¿Cómo sé que funciona?

Electronite: Placebo or reality? How do I know ...

The electronite is a very advanced technological device, complex to manufacture so that it works effectively, close to 100% both in frequency amplitude and with high sensitivity; and do so...

Electronite: Placebo or reality? How do I know ...

The electronite is a very advanced technological device, complex to manufacture so that it works effectively, close to 100% both in frequency amplitude and with high sensitivity; and do so...