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CDS (Chlorine Dioxide 3000ppm)

CDS (Chlorine Dioxide 3000ppm)

Brand: Ruanova Health

Regular price €24,00 EUR
Regular price €24,00 EUR Sale price €24,00 EUR
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CDS is a solution of chlorine dioxide gas in distilled water, with a concentration of 3000 ppm (0.3%).

It is manufactured in a laboratory using professional sterilized borosilicate glass equipment, far exceeding safety standards for oral and intravenous use.

For legal reasons, we do not specify any particular use for this product. Leaving it to the customer's discretion to decide its application, whether for floor or glass cleaning. We also do not recommend its use for any specific application.

For more than a century it has been considered the best solution for making water drinkable. More than 1,300 scientific studies in PubMed support its total oral safety and effectiveness.

It was not until the end of the 20th century, at least publicly, that some of its great therapeutic benefits were discovered. NASA investigated it for years until calling it a "universal antidote", even publishing a documentary in 1988.

However, the impossibility of patenting it as a medicine (it had been patented for decades to purify water in lower doses and therefore the patent had expired) meant that the mainstream media hid it.

In 1996, the American aerospace engineer Jim Humble discovered "by accident" its first therapeutic properties, healing two of his workers from malaria and certain death in the middle of the jungle. (Let us remember that even today, in 2023, there is NO cure for official approved medications).

From that moment, Jim Humble dedicated himself to disseminating his knowledge and his subsequent studies, witnessing literally thousands of cures for diseases for which official medicine still does not have an approved remedy. But instead of approving its use, it was persecuted.

In 2009, the German biophysicist and scientific researcher Andreas Kalcker learned for the first time about the medicinal use of ClO2. He uses it to heal severe osteoarthritis in his hands and fingers. When he was cured of something that until then all the doctors he had consulted told him there was no cure, he was so surprised that he dedicated his life as a scientist to understanding and investigating how it works.

Since then it has improved the product to develop this solution called CDS that we offer here.

Currently, Andreas resides in Switzerland, where he continues his research and has registered several international patents that address the therapeutic use of chlorine dioxide, both for hypoxia and inflammation, infection, sepsis and Sars-Cov2-Coronavirus.

Patents: WO2018185347A1; WO2018185348A1; WO2018185346A1.


- Neutral PH: Being PH neutral and only composed of distilled water with ClO2 dissolved in it, it does not have any adverse side effects, not even mild and allows it to be used intravenously.

- Delivered in an opaque glass jar with a reusable hermetic seal. Measurements to choose from 250ml or 500ml.

- ClO2 concentration in distilled water of 3000ppm (approximately 0.3%).

NOTE : Refrigerate at least 2 hours before opening. Store in the refrigerator.


- 250ml or 500ml bottle.
- Opaque glass jar with reusable airtight seal.


- Refrigerate in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours before opening.
- Do not freeze.

For therapeutic use, we recommend consulting the original book by Andreas Kalcker, entitled "Forbidden Health". The protocols are detailed there, how to use it, quantities, etc...:

You will find good information on their website:

Clinical studies:

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Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Funciona de verdad

Desde que lo tengo en mi mesita de noche, además de cargar el móvil lejos de mi cabeza y desconectar la lámpara de la mesa noche, duermo muchísimo mejor, me levanto descansado e incluso antes de que suene el despertador. Por cierto, he vuelto a soñar y me acuerdo de los sueños.

Alejandro Pérez
Agüita "milagrosa"

Entiendo las reticencias para creer que el dióxido de cloro funciona, yo también las tenía, PERO ES REAL.

Para empezar Antón resolvió todas las dudas de manera clara y amable.

Mi experiencia. Hace unos días mi compañera amaneció con el codo hinchado y dolorido. Con el paso de las horas, la cosa se puso fea y fuimos a urgencias. Le diagnosticaron una infección de la dermis, aunque posiblemente fuera una artritis séptica.

Obviamente, le indicaron que comenzará un tratamiento antibiótico (salvo que sea necesario tomarlo, cuida tu microbiota).

Habíamos recibido el dióxido de cloro hacia unos dias, junto con el libro de Andreas Kalcker, y ella decidió que era una inmejorable oportunidad para probar los efectos del dióxido... A las pocas horas, el dolor y la fiebre desaparecieron. A los 2 días, prácticamente no hay rastro de la infección... Además, está encantada con sus sensaciones físicas ya que siente que el CDS está desintoxicando su cuerpo.

Justo hoy, he comenzado a tomarlo durante algunas semanas para experimentar las bondades del CDS.

Sin duda, los enormes beneficios del mismo están silenciados y perseguidos por la industria farmacéutica. Tiene sentido, siendo ésta una maquinaria cuyo interés es tener enfermos crónicos (clientes fieles) y el CDS algo tan tremendamente eficaz... y barato.

Gracias hermanos RUANOVA por vuestra valentía al difundir y promover el conocimiento de la verdadera clave de la salud y la curación: el propio cuerpo es el único que puede hacerlo. El CDS, un buen aliado 😊

Hester Snoeijer
Gives hope

Looks like it works. We have to use it more continously though.


CDS (Dióxido de Cloro 3000ppm)

Géraldine LAGADEC

CDS (Dióxido de Cloro 3000ppm)